لسنوات عديدة كانت فيها الخبرة غنية بالمعرفة، قدم خلالها المكتب مساعدة عالية الجودة للوكلاء في مجال التقاضي وإصدار القرارات وفقًا لمتطلبات واحتياجات الوكلاء بأكثر الطرق كفاءة وفعالية، سواء من خلال التقاضي أو التفاوض. كما قمنا بتزويد وكلائنا سواء داخل مصر أو خارجها بالوسائل والأساليب المناسبة لمنع أو تقليل التقاضي في المستقبل

تواصل معنا

مجال خبراتنا


بمكان واحد


حماينا مصالح وعلاقات قانونيه لاكثر من 10.000 عميل

التحق بهم وكن علي حريه اكبر في معاملاتك  

عبدالرحمن فؤاد         

Master's researcher at Cairo University

Member of the Egyptian Bar Association

Member of the International Bar Association

Member of Amnesty International

Member of the Arab lawyers union

Member of Institute Of One World Leadership

Member of Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb)


What's special about your services or offerings? Give your audience a reason to choose you over your competitors. Cite it above, then flesh it out here.


What's special about your services or offerings? Give your audience a reason to choose you over your competitors. Cite it above, then flesh it out here.


What's special about your services or offerings? Give your audience a reason to choose you over your competitors. Cite it above, then flesh it out here.

people standing inside city building

Our values

  For many years in which the experience was heavy with knowledge, during which the office provided high-quality assistance to agents in the field of litigation and decisions in accordance with the requirements and needs of agents in the most efficient and effective way, whether through litigation or negotiation. We also provided our agents, whether inside or outside Egypt, with appropriate means and methods in preventing or reducing future lawsuits.

person using laptop

Our mission

We are honored to provide you with all legal advice and representation in all fields of law and to provide the best legal care for our client is our nominal goal which we seek by providing the best services in the fields of law and consultation in accordance with the applicable standards, laws and regulations so that our customer reaches the best legal care and security.